Monday, April 23, 2012

Viewing the Circle of Life...

So, again, it's amazing to me how fast the time flies.  Had the great priviledge of being a servant to my friend on March 28, 2012 for the birth of her fourth child, a daughter!  She and her hubby now have four children: two boys and two girls.  Blessed they are!

On April 2, my 86 1/2 yo mom, got pretty sick (she had been in Rehab since February 10th)...short story, she had an allergic reaction to the antibiotics they had to use for her pneumonia, and so, after trying to deal with it for 9 days, on the morning of April 15, she went to the ER (I followed in my car).  She was in CCU from Sat-Wed, then, transfered to ICU on Wed-Thur, and came back to Rehab on Friday.  All were amazed.

She is doing much better, but, we see certain progressions taking place...she used to have a good appitite; now, she's not eating much.  But, she still loves to see me and see her grandkids, so, it's fine.  She is awake and aware and conversant, does not have any pain, so, that is a blessing for sure.

So...beginnings of kids are in the young adult part's of dear hubby and I are in the "they are almost all launched" part of life....and, my mom is nearing the end of life.  God's grace is upon us all.

Amazing Grace!


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I'm honored to share this Blog Posting from my friend.

Had the great priviledge to assist at this mom's 1st home birth, and to be an extra set of hands (camera!) for her 2nd home birth...enjoy her witty writing!

Love, Karla   Read her entry titled "My long and winding road to hippie birthing". 

It has "not" been a quiet month in our home!

So....quick update.

Mom is doing well in rehab...a few minor setbacks (ie: pneumonia), but, there is talk that she might be getting "out" soon...(we shall see).  Still dealing w/some cognitive stuff.  Will try to get help so that she can be at home for a bit...

The boy-man moved up to Bellingham to attend WWU  (  Sasha and I are headed up in the morning to spend a few day's w/Anneka and with Derek.

Had an amazing's 4th baby, 1st home birth, she was/is amazing.  She has some very unique health issues, so, it was a good learning expierence for me.  7#2oz baby girl on 3/28/12....the family is now mom and dad and 2 boys and 2 girls!  How perfect is THAT!

Learning a lot at my new job...which, I will enjoy more when I learn it all!  (hahahah!)

Love, Karla