Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A New Year...

Started w/ a new baby!  First time mom...16 hrs of labor...8# 13 oz baby boy.  Sweet new family.  Almost was the first baby of the New Year for Clallam County! 

Had a wonderful Christmas...all the family was here, at least for a, we are having a Russian Orthodox/Epiphany Party on Friday night...a nod to Sasha, and a nod to me...I "hate" taking down my Christmas nativities!

One of the things that has been bothering me a lot the last few days is how complacent we have become regarding the freedom's we have had here in the USA.  Listen to the last two days of recordings on this site (for Tues 1/3 and Wed 1/4) regarding the terrorist movement here in the US.   It's a wake up call, to be sure.

And...I need some feedback.  I would like to post my opinions on OB/GYN's "yelling" at their patients...keeping your baby safe...proper toys...taking them OUT of their plastic buckets...the difficulty of being a good parent to adult and almost-adult older parents, adoption, music, Living History and Re-enacting...reading good books...etc, etc, etc.

What would you like to read about?  Let me know!

Happy New Year.
