Thursday, March 1, 2012

Handball-golfball-robin's egg.

Well....sort of.

Ok, I think I need to post more often, if for no other reason than to de-stress, if that is at all possible!

January's Epiphany Party went very well, I hope to make it an annual event.  Loved having Russian food and Russian people to celebrate Russian Christmas!

On Jan 18th, my 86 yo mom broke her ankle....lot's of soaking, Ibu, etc,...finally got an x-ray, a boot, and all was good...until...

Feb 7th...I went over to her house, per her request by a phone call, and found her in a pool of blood....called 911...8 hrs in the ER: 4 bags of fluids, 2 bags plasma, 2L blood (B- for those of you who might be interested....) lowest b/p that I observed was 32/64.  Yep.  You read it correctly.  Admitted to CCU that night, after having her head stitched up...16 stitches over a handball-sized hematoma. 

ServiceMaster of Sequim billed me for a "crime scene"....(and, because they left blood on the walls and counters and mom's dresser, etc, I am in negotiations with them re: the amount of the bill.  Seems excessive to me, given that, after leaving our local hospital at midnight, I had to CLEAN UP AFTER THEM...took me an hour to wipe up all the remaining blood.  *Note* "Negotiations" are not going well.)

Mom was released from the hospital to Sequim Health and Re-hab on 2/10...she is getting Physical Therapy, (Zane! Take note!), Occupational Therapy, (Leanne Summer, take note!), and strength and balance training. 

Ever heard of "Sundowner's Syndrome"???  I am concerned that mom may have some of this, which, is going to put some different parameter's on her being able to be at home by herself safely.  More to come on that as we get more information.

So, for now...she is stable, she is with us, and I'm exhausted, and I have the best family in the world...Lex and Derek and Sasha have been wonderful.  I go over to mom's in the morning to get her newspaper, feed her cats, etc...then, I go over to Re-hab and give her her paper and any mail from the previous day...then, try to take care of my own "stuff", (ie: house, marketing, laundry, work? ha!), then, back to mom's in the evening to get the mail, do the cat's, etc...

So, "That's the news from Lake Wobegon, where all the men are good looking, all the woman are strong, and all the children are above average."

????  HA!

Hope to be back sooner than another eight weeks!


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