So...I don't "rant" often...(perhaps I should do it more often??)...but, I really think that the concept of Daylight Savings Time vs Standard Time has run it's useful life. As the posting on FB says, "only the government would suggest that you cut the top off the top of the blanket, sew it to the bottom of the blanket, and therefore, get a bigger blanket!".
Yes, I have read the Wikipedia entry. But...let's face it. Even Kazakhstan supposedly doesn't "do" DST anymore!
So..why don't we just start with the Prime Meridian and go 24 hours around the world from there?
Good grief!
Love, Karla
You're absolutely correct. Do away with DST.... but why? What's it hurting? Didn't Ben Franklin come up with the idea? Don't we owe it to ol' Ben to keep it around for another few years at least?